Q: Where can I get more information about Project Management ?
A: I recommend you go to pmi.org.
If you're serious, you should also consider joining your local PMP chapter. PMI.org can direct you to them.
Q: What course of study/resources to you recommend for passing the PMP?
A: I found the test more difficult than my physics courses at college.
The content of the test is not that difficult, but the format and method of testing makes passing extremely challenging.
I recommend a disciplined course of self study with color-coded flash cards and reading the PMBOK cover to cover at least twice.
I also strongly recommend you take a PMP preparation class.
I attended a PMP training course at Project Management Academy. I don't think I would have passed without it.
Q: Will all of this be on the PMP exam?
A: No. The PMP exam mostly requires that you memorize the formulas and know when to use them.
However, for some people like myself it is better to understand something than to memorize it.
As a PM you may find the information here more appropriate to real-world applications.
Q: How accurate is all of this information?
A: That is complicated. Since the PMBOK does not include much of this information, you can consider it extracurricular.
The PMBOK does not define all of the methodologies so much as collect and collate them.
Hence the name of the text book is PMBOK: Project Management Body of Knowledge.
The information here reflects my understanding. I can back that up with my PMP and two decades of experience, but some content is clearly opinion.
However, I have also checked my answers with friends and colleagues and statisticians so they are as complete as possible.
I plan to continue refining and improving my "proofs" over time. It's an iterative process.
Q: I think you made a mistake/omission!
A: Contact me through my home page here
I don't like to be wrong, so I am happy to be corrected if that is the case.
Q: Who are you?
A: See above
Q: How can you be contacted?
A: see above
Q: How did you design this website?
A: This website was designed in HTML5 from scratch in Notepad++.
I wish someone would port Notepad++ to Linux so I could use it everywhere. Yes, this website is HTML5 compliant.
Q: What browser is this site best viewed with?
A: I perfer Firefox or Chrome, though there are certainly other compliant browsers.
Q: Is this domain for sale?
A: Maybe. But don't bother with a low ball offer.